Brent is a brand specialist, a designer and marketing strategist. “Creating Awesome. Forging relationships and getting to know all sorts of interesting people. That’s where it all begins” he explains.
His clients (‘collaborators’ as he calls them) include CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies such as Citi Bank, Mastercard, SAP, and Universal Music Group Worldwide as well as several local wineries and breweries in the pristine Okanagan wine region that he now calls his sandbox.
He is ridiculously accessible 24/7. His response is that “work/life balance is just something made up by those who don’t love what they do.”
He goes on to explain “I am inspired by the people I get to work with. I measure my own success on what I can do for them.”
Need a consultation? Its’ free.
24/7 at 778-549-5355
President of Wax Pencil
and founder of the Socially Anxious People Project (SAPP)
“You wanna go big? You gotta Brentinate it.”
Nicole Richard, Owner – Wax Pencil